Our woodland Courses

Learning, teaching & sharing knowledge is the key to ensuring that woodland skills are kept alive. We are passionate about sharing our own knowledge as well as showcasing the knowledge of other experts. Therefore we host and organise a range of woodland courses based in our Snowdonia woods throughout the year aimed at making woodland life accessible to all.

Please see below for a list of the courses we run and click the links for the latest upcoming events. There is also a link to volunteer opportunities:

Woodlanders - Woodland Courses - Snowdonia, North Wales

Winter Plant ID



Woodlanders - Woodland Courses - Snowdonia, North Wales

Spring Plant ID



Woodlanders - Woodland Courses - Snowdonia, North Wales

Summer Plant ID



Woodlanders - Woodland Management - Snowdonia, North Wales

Roundwood Timber Framing



Woodlanders - Woodland Management - Snowdonia, North Wales

Forest to Furniture



Woodlanders - Woodland Management - Snowdonia, North Wales

Autumn Fungi Foray




Volunteer With Us



Woodlanders - Woodland Management - Snowdonia, North Wales

Land Based Permaculture